Starter Kit for Healthy Calling Practices

I’m so glad you stopped by. I’m a professor, speaker, and researcher who is passionate about all things related to meaningful work, calling, and burnout. Coffee is my love language. Learning is my lifestyle. Connecting with others is my joy.

Did you know that those who identify with a strong sense of calling are most at risk of burning out?

Though research shows that those who feel called in their work are more productive, motivated, and resilient than their peers, they also experience the physical, mental, and spiritual exhaustion we call burnout, at higher rates—and the impact is more severe and more disorienting. Rather than a sense of “I don’t like what I’m doing anymore,” which can come from typical burnout, calling burnout becomes, “I don’t know who I am anymore.”

That’s not where any of us want to end up and if we get to that place, we certainly don’t want to stay there.

A Map for the Way Forward:

What can you expect if you sign up for this first newsletter series? Here’s the map of our time: Each newsletter will provide short lessons, practical strategies, and helpful links to other resources on topics such as pursuing a healthy calling, burnout, humility, and rest. If you’re in a hurry, this can be digested in less than 10 minutes. If you want to linger a bit more, the helpful links will support you in exploring more.

As you go through this material, if you find that you have question or comments, please email me. I’d love to talk further!
